Thursday, October 15, 2009

The fool I am.

You know the song "this little light of mine" right? Well it feels like my light has been dieing slowly and I think I will eventually turn to stone and all that would be left is the crumbled remains of a wasted life (not a good feeling). I have been so foolish and sluggish as of late. I have neglected to read my bible and have forgotten to pray so many times. I am a christian who has not been living a life centered on Christ! I must be retarded for it to have taken me this long to realize just how boring life has been like this. Have you ever fallen asleep during church? (I sure have) And your friend next to you has to wake you up before you start snoring. So picture me sleeping and God is my friend and the pastor. I don't know how to explain this change any better but I have started praying for wisdom and seeking it via the bible. "They are fools, and their own complacency will destroy them." I don't want to be destroyed.

and that concludes my crazy rambling for tonight.

Wednesday, May 13, 2009


So there I was sitting at my desk starring across the room wondering what I was going to do tonight. At first I thought I'll play some left 4 dead or maybe some plants vs zombies or even some crysis wars. But then I saw it, the window on the other side of the room, there was nothing in the way I could easily sprint across the room and dive through the glass and face plant onto the driveway below. I then started to think about it and realized it wouldn't work because of the cardboard sheet I set in the window a few days ago to block the sun out. I then thought of how silly it was of me to think about the cardboard as the only thing that was stopping me from running across the upstairs room and diving into the window and breaking my face open on the pavement and broken glass outside.

being a crazy person is fun.

I can't find the charger to my camera and this makes me sad and hungry. Did I eat my charger? What if Nikon stopped making cameras and started making tacos? Tacos rule.

Monday, May 4, 2009

I am the old man

So today I finally finished my application to a job I already have and it's going to be my 5th year on staff at Timberlake... ! wow!
after last summer I felt a little worn out of camp and didn't think I could handle anymore but strangely enough I felt that anything else I would do this summer would be a waste and that I wouldn't feel right about not working at camp, so I guess I'll put in another year and be part of an elite group of people who have worked at camp 5 years or more. Thats cool I guess. I'm old.

A zombie movie is in the plans for this summer, and a story line is in the works however "in the works " really means being procrastinated.

After the summer is over I'm not sure what I am going to do, I'll take a semester off of paying for classes I don't go to. I'm not sure where I'm going to live or work but that's ok I'll figure it out just before I do it. I like to surprise myself and an adventure might just be what I need.

I'm excited for cornerstone! it's going to be great!

The future is Bright, I just can't wait... maybe

Friday, May 1, 2009

hmm... well

It has been a long time since I've tried blogging. I think I gave up on it a long time ago because I had nothing to say, nothing exciting happening, and wasn't interested in writing a boring summary of my life. None of that has changed unfortunately, but I was introduced to vloging where people try their very best to make a boring story exciting. I hate vlogers most of them fail to impress me and the standard is reasonably low ( I'm easy to entertain ) but vlogers always seem to fail, much like this blog. Another thing about vlogers is that most of them are indeed hideously ugly and have high pitched squeaky voices If you are one of these people, stop it. It's not cute and its the same reason no one will play xbox with you, whats the point of putting a headset on if everyone in the game is going to mute you and leave you negative feedback saying your balls haven't dropped yet? Ok I think I made myself very clear and now its time to move on. (a few vlogers are ok)

I finally got my Nikon p80 back from repairs and have been taking a lot more pictures. I love it. I think I might experiment with some stop motion and more time lapsing. I want to get a lot better at photoshop and some friends have introduced me to smashing magazine (.com) I have much much much to learn.

At some point this last semester I somehow decided I was too cool for school and stopped going to my classes... EPIC FAIL... go to class

I worked at walmart... Fail.

So now I need to decide what it is I need to do with my life. My options are pretty much wide open at this point, so any ideas or joking ideas (that I will take seriously) would be greatly appreciated and possibly considered.

At one point in my life I wanted to be a professional paintball player, Fail.

I am 99.999999% sure I will be working at camp again. I still love it.

So as you can see I have done a lot of failing as of late, I guess I'll keep playing till I win (or run out of quarters)